Chapter 3


Starting in version 0.4.0, pg-dba will automatically read a .env file if one is present in the current directory. Also starting in version 0.4.0, pgdba respects and prioritizes the following postgres environment variables over the old ones:

| Postgres Environment Variable | Old Environment Variable |
| ------------------------------|--------------------------|
| PGHOST                        | POSTGRES_HOST            |
| PGUSER                        | POSTGRES_USER            |
| PGDATABASE                    | POSTGRES_DB              |
| PGPASSWORD                    | POSTGRES_PASSWORD        |
| PGSSLMODE                     | SSL_MODE                 |

Currently, the execution of pg-dba is configured with environment variables. Below is a list of the environment variables, their defaults, descriptions, and allowed values:

Environment Variable Default Value Description Allowed Values
ANALYZE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS 600 The time in seconds before stopping an analyze Integer greater than 0
BLOAT_QUERY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS 30 The time in seconds before stopping bloat query Integer greater than 0
FULL_VACUUM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS 600 The time in seconds before stopping a full vacuum Integer greater than 0
POSTGRES_DB postgres The postgres DB *
POSTGRES_HOST localhost The postgres host *
POSTGRES_PASSWORD ”” The postgres password *
POSTGRES_USER postgres The postgres user *
LOG_LEVEL info The level to output logs at debug, info, warn, error
POST_ANALYZE True Run an analyze after vacuum to update stats True, False
PRE_ANALYZE True Run an analyze to update stats before vacuum True, False
SSL_MODE require SSLMode for the connection. See
VERBOSE False Run queries in VERBOSE mode True, False
VACUUM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS 600 The time in seconds before stopping a vacuum Integer greater than 0